Coláiste Pobail Ráth Dara

Rath Dara Community College

Strength through Cooperation

Google Classroom

Here are some videos from the students perspective. The videos show you how to join a Google Classroom, submit work and use the Genius Scan app to submit more than one photo at a time. (The videos will open in a new window on YouTube).

Apple Devices

How to Join a Google Classroom on an Apple Device

How to Submit Work on an Apple Device in Google Classroom

How to Submit Work with Genius Scan on an Apple Device

Android Devices

How to Join a Google Classroom on an Android Device

How to Submit Work on an Android Device and use the Genius Scan app to Submit more than one Photo

Windows Computer or Laptops

How to Join a Google Classroom on a Windows Computer or Laptop

How to Submit Work in Google Classroom on a Windows Computer or Laptop